Photo Test

Had to copy/paste the link into the browser window, Ferd......

Looking forward to "Boys of De Nort Contreee" 2011 trip coming up...2 months!
Thanks so much for sharing these photos. Gives us folks that can no longer do this kind of a trip a chance to experience it again through your eyes. Next best thing to being there. :)

Thanks for posting the link and sharing.

The bark canoes sure look great up there.

And I see you guys eat good too.

One of the canoes shown seems not to have the spruce lashing gummed.
What's that about? A new technique for inside sealing?

And the geeked pork eater responds:
we prefer to call ourselves gentiles.
er, uh, I mean Geeked gentiles.

Actually I'm vegetarian, except I do eat some fish, and chicken, and beef, and pork and lots of venison, but mostly vegetarian. Especially if it's fried in bacon grease.
Mangeur du lard - This meant "pork-eaters", and these were "rookie" voyageurs in the trade. The food of the voyageurs was a simple fare of corn mixed with grease, but because new men often found it difficult to subsist on this, they were given pork to eat until they could stomach the food of the seasoned voyageurs.