Louis Canoe Works, Lake Erie duckboat???

The Canoe Kid

LOVES Wooden Canoes
Does anyone out there know anything about these boats or this maker?

The boat is about 18' long, wood/canvas construction, and looks like a classic duck boat, or sneak boat.

It was made in 1968.


The Canoe Kid
Lake Erie Sneak Boat

I recently acquired a Lake Erie sneak boat as well. It is currently well covered in my back yard awaiting warm weather so I can begin a restoration.

Here are some photos of what I've got.




links to some other sneak boat info:





And last, but not least, a description of sneak boat hunting from Lou Tisch of www.lockstockbarrell.com.

".... These were usually not used for layout shooting. Typically, you'd set a spread of decoys....often in 3 groups. You'd anchor the sneak boat upwind of the spread. When birds would drop into the spread, you'd shuck the anchor line and drift with the wind and a little paddling (hidden by the screen) until you got into the birds. If the birds moved, they'd typically only move to the further group of decoys and hold. Once close enough, you'd either get up and shoot over the screen or (when so designed) drop the screen to get it out of the way.
I had a Miles Smith sneak but never used it since we manufacture a scull boat and the sculler is much more effective, plus you can scull downstream, upstream, through a marsh or flooded timer and out into the lake.