St. Louis Boat and Canoe: Info. Needed

Walter Hauck

LOVES Wooden Canoes
We began researching the history of this company a little over a year ago.
We have acquired several of the old Arrowhead canoes, and found several more hanging in local restaurants or MO state parks. We have found a few build records, mostly from the 1940's. On good advice from Dan Miller, we are turning to the WCHA membership for assistance. The accumulated knowledge here is overwhelming and inspiring..........We are trying to establish if the numbering system used by the St. Louis Meramec Canoe Company continued sequentially, or if the company began again with the start of the St. Louis Boat and Canoe Company. If anyone who has either canoe could give us a little info as to serial number, length, type, wood used, etc. Anything about any canoe would be helpful and add to our database---documentation, receipts, "local lore", history. Pictures would be great. (Wishing good luck also to Denis and Kathy as they search for the same regarding Morris canoes!)
We are looking forward to our first Assembly and hope to meet many of you there. We welcome any help you can give us. Thanks!
Wally & Marty Hauck, John & Dorothy Strasser
Good luck with your research. We will be interested in the results.
I have been a WCHA member since 1979 and this is going to be my first assembly. I am really looking forward to it. Hope Kathy and I get to meet you there.
Dennis, looking forward to meeting you there as well. We are also gathering enough information about our search that we can submit an article to Wooden Canoe. Thoroughly enjoyed the article about crossing the Canadian border with the canoes.
Thanks - I'll make sure Kathy sees your post for it is she that wrote the article. She is a better writer than me. It is interesting- we just got back a few weeks ago from picking up the Gerrish in N.Y.. We were prepared this time and the guy never even looked at the canoe. Just the luck of the draw I guess. Better to be prepared though.
Denis :)
Wally, I believe I sent you information on my S.L. Meramec a few months ago, but here it is again, in case it may be of some use.
16 ft, s/n 664 16. The s/n was stamped on both stems. The stems appear to be ash or maybe oak. There are wooden grab handles at both ends. Keel is fastened at every other rib, with brass stembands. Ribs are 2 inches wide. Brass flat head tacks for the planking. I guess there were a couple models of this canoe, mine has upswept ends similar to an OTCA. As I have been in the rebuilding process ( 11 new ribs, some new planking), I haven't noticed anything real unusual about the materials or construction.
The only history I can give is from the guy I bought it from is that he thinks it is from 1940. The canoe had been a rental at Luna lake, which is near the Portage lakes in Akron, Ohio.
Hope this helps, I am very interested in hearing what you find! Ken.