LOVES Wooden Canoes
Still looking for some eastern white spruce. Will contact some more from the supplier's list but if anyone feels like putting a stamp on a board or two let me know

Hi Dan. Out here the SPF would be fir; I'm hoping to come as close as I can to a match. I have plenty of Douglas fir around so I can cut some and see how it looks visually, 'though I don't know how well it bends, comparatively - ? The SPF fir might be a whiter variety. I can (and did) get Sitka here but it looks completely different. ThanksGo to your local lumber yard, and look at the 2x SPF piles. Look for a piece that has tight grain and can be up graded by cutting off the knotts.
Boards with wane on the sides will have fewer knotts.
Or just go up the coast and get some Sitka.
I was surprised to realize the stems had curled inward a bit. I wedged a stick under each and got them back into exactly the position you describe. But there's a good bit of tension bound up in doing that. I'm hoping they'll relax back out to that original position after a month or so, although I could imagine that not happening...The inwales on an Old Town should mate beyond the tip of the deck and land on top of the stem. The inwales were attached to the stem with two small steel nails driven through the sides of the inwale into the top of the stem.
Just ignore most of my posts and you'll be in good handsThis thread is really hub of useful information.