Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Some folks may remember I posted pictures of this canoe a two years ago when it was given to me. It was in a sorry state as squirrels had eaten half of it away! I can't even date it as the squirrels ate both serial numbers - along with most of the stems.
This was the toughest restoration I've ever attempted: new inner & outer rails, new stems, and nearly half the ribs replaced. Hard to pre-bend steamed ribs - especially the cant ribs - when there isn't enough left of the next smaller rib on either end of the canoe to use as a bending guide! Came out ok though.

This was the toughest restoration I've ever attempted: new inner & outer rails, new stems, and nearly half the ribs replaced. Hard to pre-bend steamed ribs - especially the cant ribs - when there isn't enough left of the next smaller rib on either end of the canoe to use as a bending guide! Came out ok though.