11ft OT 50 Pounder Capacity?


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Did OT ever publish specs on carrying capacity? I've got an 11ft 50 Pounder and am wondering if there was a max carrying capacity mentioned anywhere. I've had fun paddling one by myself by sitting 'backwards' on the front seat, and I weigh around 240#, but I don't know what to tell people who want to paddle with two people.
Hi Howie
Just from experience, I can tell you that a 13’er is fine with two people, however a couple 300 pound NFL linemen might have an issue.
It is wide enough that there is plenty of stability.
The rated carrying capacity for this canoe was first listed in the 1974 catalog at three persons or 502 pounds as shown at the link below. It also stated, "Some regulating agencies have established formulas that limit the number of persons and/or total loading capacities of canoes. Old Town believes that a combination of canoeist's experience, type of canoe, and water-weather conditions, rather than arbitrary formulas, is the best guide in such matters." Good luck,


Thank you guys, this is very helpful... especially Benson's chart.