BNMorris stem construction


Wooden Canoeist
Working on a 1910 BNMorris in sad shape. We are currently replacing about 60 of the 80some rib tips. It has no inwales and only one stem. Question is how the inwales - closed gunwales - meet the stem? The one remaining stem is notched at the tip - to accept the inwales?? Thanks for any help.

Hi Bud,

Here is a picture of Peter's 18' Morris that was about as untouched as I've seen any canoe.

This shot shows the whole canoe, but zoom in on the near end that shows how the inwhales meet on top of the stem tip and a single finishing nail was driven down through the tip of the inwhale and into the top of the stem. This was not a very good joint. I would recommend a pilot whole before trying to drive the nail.

Good luck,



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