I got this canoe from a friend who was going to cut it in half and make shelves out of it. He got it from a woman, who’s husband built it and died before he could get it wet. I used it once with my wife and 6 small children, there are two bench seats in the middle. We canoed a small stream in Northern Lower Michigan and it out handled all of the other canoes we were with, of course that could have been due to the operators. It wasn’t finished very well, the fiberglass has white patches that seem to be underneath the glass. Other than the cedar strips on the top 3 rows of the bow and the transom being rotted, the rest of the canoe looks to be in excellent shape. There are no stems or ribs. Again the fiberglass job is a tad shoddy. As you can see in the photos I’ve already started peeling back the glass on the outside, this is going to be a mess. The dimensions are as follows :
Overall length : 14’ 10.5”
Rear Mid Front
Width 21” 42” Well you know
Depth 15” 12” 18”
The fasteners are all small brass wood screws, 5/8” for each cedar strip, one at the front and one at the rear. Longer brass wood screws were used for the gunnels and the seating braces.
What I’m looking for is direction, step by step so as not to muddle this up.
1) Should I be removing the glass inside and out, & best method?
2) What type of wood should I use to replace the Transom?
3) What type of wood should I use to replace the gunnels and seating braces?
4) What method should be used for cutting and attaching the gunnels?
5) Should I stay with brass wood screws?
6) Do I use Fiberglass again or is there a better product? Please tell me there’s better.
7) Should a short deck be added to the front.
8) Any ideas for making this a flyfishing friendly canoe
I’m sure I’ll have more questions as this thread progresses, but this is the meat of my concerns to date.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Someone on another site thinks this is a row boat, however there were no signs of oar lock mounts anywhere.
Overall length : 14’ 10.5”
Rear Mid Front
Width 21” 42” Well you know
Depth 15” 12” 18”
The fasteners are all small brass wood screws, 5/8” for each cedar strip, one at the front and one at the rear. Longer brass wood screws were used for the gunnels and the seating braces.
What I’m looking for is direction, step by step so as not to muddle this up.
1) Should I be removing the glass inside and out, & best method?
2) What type of wood should I use to replace the Transom?
3) What type of wood should I use to replace the gunnels and seating braces?
4) What method should be used for cutting and attaching the gunnels?
5) Should I stay with brass wood screws?
6) Do I use Fiberglass again or is there a better product? Please tell me there’s better.
7) Should a short deck be added to the front.
8) Any ideas for making this a flyfishing friendly canoe
I’m sure I’ll have more questions as this thread progresses, but this is the meat of my concerns to date.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Someone on another site thinks this is a row boat, however there were no signs of oar lock mounts anywhere.
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