12 ft wood canvas outboard. Thompson?


New Member
Hi , I'm trying to id a boat for a friend, He salvage it from the woods several years ago. rebuilt transom. stem and gunnels. boat dimensions are as follows:
Length: 143.5 inches; beam: 52 inches length of gunnels from stem to transom:151 inches;depth at transom 14 inches width at transom 37 inches. A forward step was added in the bow similiar to his 12 ft Penn Yan trailboat. additional wood added under carrying handles on back of transom. seat bracing was removed, duplicated and reinstalled in orginal location. Unknown black cylinders and brass guides removed and reinstalled in original location when transom was repaired. Wood "gusset" at bow was installed, if there was an original piece it rotted off with gunnels and was not noticed when boat was picked up. Parralell bracing with keel extend from transom to under middle seat. Boat has similiarites to thompson take along model 239, but seems to be heavier built. No evidence of splash rails ever installed. original copper and leather motor support/bracing removed ,copper replace with original size and opening for leather. Grommets and wood screws added by owner when replacing on repaired transom. Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Tony.


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She has the look of a Thompson. I have never seen a Thompson (in real life or in the brochure pictures) with seat braces like in this example.

Is there a hull ID stamped into the wood of the transom, inside the boat?

Have you looked at the Thompson brochures that are available on CD-ROM?

check out www.thompsondockside.com

12 ft wood canvas outboard, Thompson?

In my searching I saw a photo of a '51 thompson model 239 that had those braces, but only on the center seat, any othe wood braces that I've seen were single and in the center of the seat, not on the edges fore and aft.
more info

Miles at thompsondockside was mailed earlier today. Boat was dicovered in the woods upside down uncovered, gunnels, stem and transom had quite a bit of rot. my friend replace prior to any knowlegde of hull numbers and does not recall seeing any. What is the earliest 12 fter made by thompson. Also could it be some other manufacturer? My friend lives in Mass, he intially thought it was a Penn yan ,but nothing matches our research in that direction. Boat is heavier built.

there are similarities to this Thompson take a long I did a few years ago. Some differences too, but they may have been part of your rebuild? Mine had a metal tag on the deck.


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Earliest 12 footer by Thompson Bros. Boat was in 1907.

In 1929 there were at least six models in the 12 foot range.

There is nothing like the wooden braces of this boat in question in the 1951 brochure. That does not mean it is not a Thompson. Just means that those braces are not original, IF it is a Thompson.

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!2ft wood outboard rowboat Id

I'm not saying this boat is a 1951 take along model 239, the only photo that I found which had braces like the ones on this boat were in some one's photo of their model 239. These seat braces were on the boat when salvage, my friend remove, replicated and replace in the location they were found. My thoughts of this boat is that it is an earlier (20- 30s) boat because it is heavier built, both the braces and transom. Any other manufacures suggestions are welcome! Thanks Tony