Do you know who the maker was? Ie: Brown, Lakefield,Peterborough. If there are small metal exterior thwart plates, for example, they will have the makers name. Assuming it is an all-wood lapstrake canoe the planking tightly over lapped the next piece of planking. When well varnished inside and out the craft was water tight. Do not use power sanders on it.DO NOT FIBERGLASS. The ribs and planking can be stripped with chemical strippers. To assist in the initial varnish removal I have a 2" putty knife with a grove in the center to match the 1/2 round ribs. This was done with a rat tail file. Historical research can be done on this site. Pictures will greatly help. I restored a 100 year old Lakefield and assisted on a nice Brown. Have "LOTS" of pictures from start to finish that I could email you when you are ready.