Advice... What to do?


New Member
Recently acquired this Old Town guide 1940's canoe 18'. I sent the serial numbers to your forum the other day and you helped me identify it. I'm wondering about restoration costs on a canoe in this shape or interested in the value to be sold as is. Any info is greatly appreciated
Jeff Gindling
You are almost always better off financially to sell a wooden canoe unrestored. The information at should help you come up with a value. This includes the comment that "A professional restoration will run from $400 for a simple canvas job, to $3000 for a full "make it like new" restoration with a smattering of new ribs, planking, decks, seats and of course canvas, filler and paint. Many restoration tasks can be done by a competent woodworker or handyman at a fraction of what you would pay for a professional restoration, however without shop equipment and a good place to work, serious restorations can be more trouble than they are worth." Linda Whiting and Dan Eaton created a more detailed analysis of a professional restoration at Process.pdf which gives a range of $3200 to $4450. A similar canoe sold on eBay recently at for $343. Good luck,
