Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Just started the restoration on this 18' sponson, open gunwale canoe which I suspect may be from the 1920's. Dimentions are simular to a Chestnut Guide Special [ Moses] or a Peterborough model 1445. Any help in identifying and dating this canoe would be greatly appreciated. Dimentions are as follows: width 37", depth 12", planking width 4 3/4" [ basically 5 boards per side]. Tapered ribs are 3/8' thick, 2 1/4" wide, spaced 1/2" apart. Thin, primary cant ribs are 2 1/2" wide. Probably post 1921 stye 14" decks. Exterior Oak stems matched to the keel, 2 thwarts, 2 hand caned seats. No serial numbers. It's had a lot of use over the years. Suspect that it was a livery canoe at Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. Some of the ribs are almost worn through in key places. Spent it's last years coated in fiberglass.
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