Curious about Wooden Canoes
Ok just a few questions for everyone. I am trying to figure out what kennebec canoe I haved a serial number search done and it gave me the production date of 1924 and that it is a type3A so it appears to be the top trim level? I have it narrowed down to a kennbec, open gunwale, or the torpedo. The question is when measuring width is it from the outside of the gunwale or the inside. I know pictures can be very helpful and I will post them later today. Its hard to do at this time as my boat is 3 hours from my home. So I am trying to get all the info that I can while I am at the boats location. I was very shocked to see what good shape this canoe was in as I stared to take photos of it esp after seeing some of the restorations done by memebers on here. I really want to do this project but it is going to be at least a year until I can start it. So right now I am in the gathering information and doing lots of reading. Any good books on restoring wood and canvas? how about proper storage? Its out of the weather hanging upside down I made sure to level the hanging rack once the boat was on it. Thanks in advance for the help