What do I have here?


Good Morning All
I have a lead on an older canoe, which the owner says he brought down from BC to the East Coast. To me it looks kinda like a Chestnut Cruiser(Pleasure model), and the dimensions seem right.
It's 16 feet - spot on, and 34 in. across the beam to outside of gunnels.
Somewhere between 11-12 in. deep at the center thwart.(this was to underside of the thwart).
Ribs are 2 3/8-2 1/2in. wide with about 1 1/2" spacing. It has slat seats which look original.
The decks also seem correct with a slight chamfer on the underside.
I forgot to measure them but they look to be about 12 in. long.
As I say it looks kinda right, but could it be something else? I do not see any impression of a deck decal and there is no serial number that I can find.
Price is OK, but still needs both gunnels inside and out, stems, thwarts, canvas etc.etc.


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Most (if not all) of the experts are at Assembly, so response time may be slower than usual... Someone will be along when they can, but at Assembly, the days are just packed.

I'm also waiting for the experts to chime in, as I'm also considering a Chestnut, but after a bit of searching, I'm reasonably convinced the one I'm looking at is a Pleasure model Deer, (the 36" wide version).

But, I also have/had a C/P Cruiser models and they should be narrower then your 34. If this 34 is to the outside of the inner gunwales, this is likely a 36" wide model. (The width is to the widest point, which is hard to measure.) So I'm guessing that this is not a Cruiser model, but it could very well be one of the Pleasure models.

Dan, thanks, but no, that quick measurement was to the outside gunnels., so I would say without having access for a more accurate dimension that it is closer to 32in. outside the planking but inside the outer gunnels.
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Due to the exterior rasp marks, deck shape, rib size, 4 bolts for the center thwart and other points it is most likely a 1970's Chestnut. Check your measurements. The slat seat suggests a Prospectoe model which will be about 14" deep and about 36"wide. The Pal model usually had hand caned seats, was about 36" wide and 12" deep. I have both of these models for sale in the WCHA classifieds if you want to compare pictures. Measure the width at the canoes widest point which is usually 1/2 way down form the top of the canoe. Add a little for the planking thickness. For the depth measure in the canoe mid section from the bottom planking to the top of the gunnels then add a little - but don't include the keel depth,
if it has one.