I second Tim's suggestion that it may be a canoe made from the plans put out by Popular Mechanics (or similar do-it-yourself plans) -- not only is there a keelson, but the ribs are not tapered, the ribs are sized and spaced as in the PM plans, and the stem profile is similar to the PM canoe. The two WCHA articles on building such canoes indicate that such plans can lead to canoes that are quite satisfactory. That the rib nailing pattern is a straight line rather than the more common offset pattern suggests an amateur builder rather than a pro.
Whatever it is, it has nice lines, and it looks pretty well made and well maintained. In the full-length view, it looks like there may be (hard to be sure from the photo) a crack in one outwale (not a fatal flaw) but it otherwise appears to be well maintained and in pretty good shape. With its keelson and closely-spaced ribs, it should be pretty sturdy, at the price of being perhaps a bit heavier than many others its size. Probably a pretty good general purpose canoe.