Watching paint dry


"Just one more"
In anticipation of the Assembly, I am trying to finish a canoe to bring and use. My question is "How long does the paint need to dry/cure before it can travel and float"? I used Petit easypoxy. Thanks
The float part is not the concern. The travel is.
I rushed one once and had paint pull with the straps when I released them.
It's really sickening to see the paint removed right down to the filler.
The intangible is the affect of the tie downs and the beating down heat from the sun on fresh paint.
My canoe had been painted for about 3 weeks, also with Petit.
Usually paint will harden in a week. Don't worry about it. Bring it to the assembly. It only takes an hour or two to repaint.
I have had good luck using that tubular pipe insulation as a covering on the straps to protect fresh paint jobs. These have been short trips without a lot of hot sun though. Your mileage may vary.

I transported a freshly painted canoe which was only two or three days dry and the straps left permanent marks in the paint. Most people don't notice them but I do and they are an annoyance to me on what would have otherwise been a flawless paint job. I would wait a couple weeks if I were you.

I quit using Pettit paint it took to long to dry and several weeks after the final coat I could scrape the paint off with my finger nail.
You might try using blue painters tape. It has always worked for me. I do put it on my pants first to remove some of the stickiness before putting it on the paint or varnish. I have used it on varnish that was only two weeks old with no issures.
Why not just hook your straps to the thwarts and or through the gunwales and use no straps over the paint? I hauled a freshly filled canoe 12 hrs. on the interstate at 70 mph, no problem. Just takes a little more time and effort to secure that way but well worth it.