A question about taping/masking when painting


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I've been asked to do a two-tone job on an Otca with Epifanes Monourethane Rich Mahogany on the top & their Blue on the bottom. I plan to paint the whole thing with with the Mahogany, then tape off the upper section and paint the bottom over with the blue.

Any idea how long I need to let the Monourethane dry before I can tape it? I don't want to damage the finish when I pull the tape off. I've found this paint needs a long time to dry, otherwise even setting the canoe on a towel will leave an imprint. And is painters tape good enough?

And when taping a job like this... Should I remove the tape shortly after I paint each coat, or can I leave the tape alone until the job is over? If the latter what does the transition between the 2 colors look like? Is it clean?
I'd start on experimenting now!
The only two tone boat I've done had a gold stripe between the colours which meant a little bleeding didn't matter. I think I left the first colour about a week before starting the second and I used expensive masking tape which promised the world. I don't know if the ordinary stuff would have done as well though.

Hey Howie, not sure if this helps or not but I am also painting a two colour canoe right now. With Ontario being under a lockdown and supplies being very hard to get on a timely basis I elected to go with a painters tape I had on hand. If it bleeds with the first colour then I'll need to get something better when I paint the second. I also decided to leave the tape on between coats as I am painting a waterline and it was difficult to get the tape on with a nice flow to it. The weather has not cooperated of late, we had snow two days this week, and my shop is not heated otherwise I'd be further ahead and able to let you know more on how it worked? I'm putting on a second coat today hoping for a third and final coat Monday at which time I'll remove the tape. I'll let you know how it worked out then? I am planning on painting a gold pin stripe at the junction of the two colours.
Cheers Gary


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I would look at the Scotch fine line tapes, made for painting, they give a nice clean edge. There is also version with pull outs (Scotch Fine Line Striping Tape, 8 Pull Outs) that will get you a parting line of consistent width, you can choose the width by the number of pull outs, if you want to add a parting stripe between the 2 colors.


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Martin - those canoes are gorgeous!
Gary - am very interested in how you make out. Please post updates.
Thanks Gary, I'll add one more comment, I leave the tape on for all coats, but the last coat, I pull it off while the last coat is still wet, but set up just a little, that way the wet edge between the 2 colors tends to "roll over" and not be a hard edge between the two colors.
3M Safe release , sharp line tape. Howie it works great. You can leave it on for days. I use scotch brite pads between coats and run the pad over the edge of the tape gently when sanding . don't skimp and use cheap stuff.100_1451.jpg
Thanks everyone for the great tips, I'll look into the Scotch tape with pull outs for painting the pin stripe. I'll let you know Howie how this goes?
Ok so I'm pleased with how things turned out for this part of the painting. I did use just ordinary painters tape and made sure I sanded right up and over it carefully between coats. I removed the tape while the last coat was still tacky and I did, with great concern, run a blade over the paint at the junction with the tape. It came off rather easily and no bleed through. However for the next stage, where I'll be taping the painted portion to do below the waterline I'll get a better quality of tape to ensure it wont peel the paint off of the area already painted. I think I'll give it a full week to cure a bit before I attempt the next stage. If the area where the two colours meet is not perfect I'm doing a gold pinstripe anyway. Hope this helps Howie? Your paint jobs always look great anyway.
Cheers, Gary


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Grandpa Gary brings up a good point with the pinstripe. I think that the pinstripe adds some appeal to a two-tone. The painted edges can be slightly less than perfect because you are covering them a way.


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I agree with Dave. A two tone paint job looks almost unfinished unless there is a pinstripe of a contrasting color between the two main colors. The pinstripe does not have to be very wide, 3/16" is good enough. You do have to use fine line automotive pin stripe tape to get the clean edges. Jamestown Distributors sells fine line tape. Good luck with your project and have fun.Pinstripe 009.JPG
So I checked with Epifanes regarding curing time for their Yacht Enamel before taping over an already painted surface and they suggested a week. Just a FYI for anyone else looking to do the same with their paint?
Thanks again for everyone's help. Gary
Thanks for all the comments & advice, guys. You've scared me straight. I've decided to chicken out & simply concentrate on a good single color paint job. Most times I have enough trouble with just that...
Hey Howie, go for it, following the advice here on this forum it was not as difficult as first imagined. Now I'm still not sure I will have it turn out as I'd hoped but so far its going to plan. After seeing many of the canoes you've posted here on the site yours will be great. By the way I was able to pick up 3M's fine line tape for taping over the painted portion before I get at the second colour.
Howie, I've watched your threads for 4-5 years now and I'm always impressed with your work. I agree with Gary - "go for it!"
The trick with masking without bleeding is to:
  1. Paint the whole canoe the mahogany color.
  2. Wait for it to dry
  3. Apply your good-quality masking tape. It has to stick without any lifting!
  4. Back paint over the masking paint on the side that you are going to paint blue with a trim coat of the mahogany along the tape. This will fill all the voids and eliminate any seepage.
  5. Paint your blue.
  6. If you want... Pinstripe with a 1 Shot gold to finish it off.
Back painting is an old painter's trick. It's the best way to mask off and get a crisp line if you're painting a wall with two colors too!
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On a similar but related note, I've been meaning to stripe and add a name to an OTCA we have. My daughter is very crafty and likes to make cards. She has a Cricut... This is a machine, connected to a computer that will cut out anything you ask it to through a computer program. Think of it as a 2D CNC machine. You can program type of paper, vinyl, etc. We had the idea to input the name of the canoe and have a stencil cut out of a wide piece of high quality masking tape. And there you have it, a complex stencil, cut to order, ready for application to the canoe! I put the tape on wax paper before making the stencil to act as backing. Now I'm eyeing the other canoes in the garage....


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As promised here are a couple of pictures of my first (maybe my last?) attempt at painting a waterline and pinstripe. I'm tending to side with Howie and wonder why this is worth it but I did learn much about masking and painting through trial and error. After being unable to get a quality gold paint here in Canada I elected to omit the gold ribbon with the poppy and do a black pinstripe. Although its not the look I'd originally hoped for it still serves to honour the military theme with this canoe. I'll be posting it in the classifieds shortly with all proceeds from the sale going to support the restoration of our now 100 year old cenotaph which honours local veterans including my Grandfather and his brother killed in the battle for Vimy Ridge WW1.
Thank you to everyone for all the helpful advice, 3M fineline tape works great!


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