Easy Paint Question


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I've decided to use Pettit Easypoxy in Burgandy for my canoe. 16' chestnut pal,

Easy question. One or two quarts? Seems that it depends on the number of coats, about how many coats should I expect to do? If it's two, then one quart should be enough. If it's three, I may need an additional quart.
I would go for more, either to tint the filler and/or to apply sufficient coats to cover and seal well.
Will you be using high fill primer? I think on a 16' er you could get by if you did the primer first. But that's still 2 quarts, one of prime and one of finish.
Paints like Easypoxy and Brightside work best with fairly thin layers and generally two coats will do it (three if you want to sand and polish it). One quart of Easypoxy should easily put two coats on a 16' canoe with quite a bit to spare, depending on your application technique. With a thin-film method like rolling and tipping, I wouldn't be surprised to get four coats out of a quart and you could probably get three with a brush if you work carefully. There is nothing to be gained by applying a really thick buildup of paint layers with these modern, modified enamels. Do not be surprised if the first coat looks like crap (thin spots, streaks, etc.) as this is quite common, especially if the color is substantially different from the base you're painting on. The second coat will look drastically better (scotchbrite or fine sanding between coats is well worth the effort). Drips, runs and sags are a function of having too much paint on the surface and it being uneven in thickness, so keep the layers thin and don't worry much about the color being even until you have a couple of coats on.
From what I've seen, primer may not be necessary on this boat? Does that seem reasonable.

Thanks for all the input.
I completely agree with Todd's remarks. I have never used more than a quart of top coat on any of my Pals. Brightside is great stuff. Small foam roller followed by immediate tipping with a dry brush. It comes out looking like a professional job.
Primer is not needed but I have started using it as it fills better. And I also like the roller for applying. I don't use the brush anymore now that I've graduated to the roller.
Following two coats of primer I have applied FOUR thin coats of Kirby's Hull & Deck paint using just a single quart with a bit left over on a similar canoe. I smooth-roll it and tip it with a brush. It has turned out very nicely and with perfect coverage.

