Attached is an Old Town build record that I saved from Benson's post some time ago. It shows that Old Town did produce a canoe called Weldwood. And according to the Penn Yan catalog, so did they. And then there were other builders that produced similar canoes, though they didn't call them "Weldwood"... these builders included Haskell, Plycraft, and Max Anderssons. There was some discussion on these forums about a Max Anderssons canoe a few years ago. And if you have back issues of Wooden canoe, numbers 103 and 105 have thorough articles on molded mahogany canoes (the term "molded" NOT referring to mahogany covered with mildew).
Note that the grain runs gunwale to gunwale (often or always on a diagonal) in these canoes; in Willits and other double-planked cedar canoes, the inner planking runs gunwale to gunwale, while outer planking runs stem to stem.
Search "weldwood", "Anderssons", "Haskell", etc. and some previous discussions should pop up. Don't know why, but I've never been a big fan of these either.