Stripping survey…..

chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
I’ve been doing this a little while. But as the saying goes, ya never stop learning. Obviously the way to go is to let someone else do it, but I haven’t found a source for it yet. I use Tasco stripper, it seems to do okay, since they outlawed methylene chloride! I lay it on, let it work, and take a stiff nylon brush and gather the goo, and slather it off outside the boat. Put another dose of stripper on, let it work again, and scrub with a stouter nylon brush and then hit it with the hose with a strong nozzle. Scrub with a cleaned off nylon brush and then scotch brite. I’m told Teak Nu bleach works great for residue cleanup and stains so I’m gunna try that. I always do this outside with a hose to help evacuate the goop. I’m all ears with others methods.
Pro strippers can still use methylene chloride. The pro that I use is in Napoleon ,Ohio. He has done well over 100 canoes, and does an excellent job. He must also account for all of the toxic residue. Not sure of current prices, was approx. $23/ running foot for varnish.
Benco sells it in 5 gal. You do need a tax ID number just to prove you are a business. $115 for 5 gal plus shipping.
So, I've been using Total strip, by Total Boat Jamestown Dist. Same.. put it on and wait. Scraper, brush, scotchbrite. . I love the stuff. It's one of those environmental green stripper that does a good job. It's expensive. A gallon can do a 15-16 foot canoe. Depending on how much varnish. It does take a while for the canoe to dry enough to sand. Like a week or two. then I use total boat teak cleaner (2 part) I try to do about 3 feet at a time. It does a really nice job of brightening up the old wood. I do all this outside with a hose on rubber mats. Those heavy horse stall mats from tractor supply. Those same mats have been outside my shop on the ground for 10 years. You can't kill those things.
If I use the strong chemical strippers, even with gloves and a mask. I feel crappy the next day , like hungover.
I've taken 2 canoes to V&L Stripping, Appleton Wi. The last was an 18 ft. Old Town that was painted over vanish. Who does that? I didn't feel like spending 2-3 months trying to clean it up. Spending $700 was worth my time and effort. I know of people in northern Wisconsin who have taken 3-4 canoes at a time to V&L. They drop them off in the morning, get a hotel, and pick them up late the next day.
I clean up , scrub with scotchbrite pads. with mineral spirits or soap and water if I'm using water based stripper. Picks up all the muddy junk left behind. Steel wool gets caught on everything and leaves bits of steel behind. I buy the maroon ones by the case from Jamestown Dist.
I also use the finer ones between coats of paint after 220 sandpaper. Just smooths everything out nice.