Who's using what?
I started using a flat brush but it was tough to use on the side curves. Dollar Tree had some kitchen scrubbers that worked out very well. The small scrubber was very good for getting between the short and long ribs and the handle scrappers nice between the long rub. The handles make them a bit better to use than the wood flat brush. The spatula set was a buck and the brushes a buck each.
BIg gloves are a little awkward to use. The small tight disposables are ok and stand up to the Stripx stripper. Harbor Freight has them in 50 and 100 pack for 5-7 dollars. They also have packs of a very thin oversized glove which takes to your hand. All these tear easily and very slippery gripping the tools. Wearing them under a very thin cotton glove makes working with the tools cumfortable and easy.
The brushes load up with stripped goo but easily washed out with a hose. They can do about a quater of the 12 foot Pannyan before they too loaded.
The bristles in the cheap brushes are stiff enough to not get deformed quickly and soft enough to not gouge the wet cedar.
I tries an old puddy knife with a worn rounded blade but it was quick to mar the cedar.
When stripping with Stripx and its somewhat dried the brushing rolls it into semi dry balls which are easy to vacuum up with a wet dry vac. Home Depot has a nice small one which is light and easy to move around the inside of the boat. It was $20 on sale at Christmas but I think their $25 now...cheap enough and easier to use than my much bigger shop vac.

I started using a flat brush but it was tough to use on the side curves. Dollar Tree had some kitchen scrubbers that worked out very well. The small scrubber was very good for getting between the short and long ribs and the handle scrappers nice between the long rub. The handles make them a bit better to use than the wood flat brush. The spatula set was a buck and the brushes a buck each.
BIg gloves are a little awkward to use. The small tight disposables are ok and stand up to the Stripx stripper. Harbor Freight has them in 50 and 100 pack for 5-7 dollars. They also have packs of a very thin oversized glove which takes to your hand. All these tear easily and very slippery gripping the tools. Wearing them under a very thin cotton glove makes working with the tools cumfortable and easy.
The brushes load up with stripped goo but easily washed out with a hose. They can do about a quater of the 12 foot Pannyan before they too loaded.
The bristles in the cheap brushes are stiff enough to not get deformed quickly and soft enough to not gouge the wet cedar.
I tries an old puddy knife with a worn rounded blade but it was quick to mar the cedar.
When stripping with Stripx and its somewhat dried the brushing rolls it into semi dry balls which are easy to vacuum up with a wet dry vac. Home Depot has a nice small one which is light and easy to move around the inside of the boat. It was $20 on sale at Christmas but I think their $25 now...cheap enough and easier to use than my much bigger shop vac.