Shop Shots

Shelldrake- Good idea! Thats a very handsome model over your door!
I've had a half of a half model over my exterior door for some time. The weather finally deformed it quite a bit and I had to take it down this year. If I had known it would last as long as it did, I would of taken more care in mounting it. The better half of the half model is over the inside of the door and its just fine!
Benson- thanks for the mailbox support photo but I also had to include a better picture of of mailbox.


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Love the mailbox Rollin. Is it solid wood?

I took the lines for my 1/2 model from you and Jerry's book. One of these days I need to take it down and re-paint it.
With the promise of oysters and smoked ribs I convinced some friends to help build a workshop. Much fun has been had by all! Will post progress and continue to ask for advice as this project rolls along. 20' x 24' by 19' in height and will be two story. MTF
New to my shop...

4 new fluorescent light fixtures mounted on the center barn beams

And, most exciting, a Delta Milwaukee Crescent 20" band saw. Free from a local shop, made the same year as me... 1952!

Wow! That bandsaw is a nice gift.
I'll say! Probably overkill for most tasks, but I can see some re-sawing capabilities that are interesting to contemplate. I am looking forward to experimenting with using the bandsaw to hog off the bulk of paddle blade thickness. There's plenty of vertical capacity for that.
That bandsaw is a beaut! Saw some LED strip lights that interested me but have a handful of lights I will mount until I decide what to end up with. I said it before Patrick but love those flooring planks
Slow but steady. Thunder and lightening right now. Need to figure out how to ground the building!
Fortunately a few guys have allowed me to take a gander at thier workshops and have inspired me.
Dave, good question. I will be running electricity to the workshop, I could also run natural gas as well. Will be making it two stories and am thinking of a mini split unit. here in SE VA it does not get cold for extended periods but it is hot and humid in the summer, looking to keep it between 50-80 degrees and have a dehumidifier. Would appreciate any advice.

We live on the Eastern Shore of MD. I have a ductless mini-split heat pump in my shop. It is quiet and efficient as a heater or air conditioner and takes up little space. Very happy with it.
I just have an old barn 16 foot ceilings. I do have a separate small paint room with electric heat. Painting/varnishing here in northwest NJ gets cold.
In the big room , not much insulation. I use a VAL6 Heater. They may look like other radiant heaters , But their not the same don't be fooled.
Amazing! Best heater I ever bought. Diesel heater with NO smell or unhealthy fumes. It gives off a puff of smoke when it starts but that's all.
I didn't want to install a heating system. Just plug it in. I have the KBE5L 2 step. Also $$$$ I've had mine for 3 winters now.
Will look into both of these options. Shell, our weather is essentially the same, heat and humidity is the biggest issue.
OK, had the final building inspection today, passed. The same gentleman who seemed intrigued when I showed him many of the canoes out back and the fact that POWs built the dam out back was very interesting to him. We have built what we have beyond the code, we get the occasional hurricane so I figured we were ok. He want to buy a canoe. My new favorite permit inspector. Good guy, saw we went beyond the requirements. He gets a canoe
Todd, I put in geothermal heat (for the whole house) a year ago, with an upgraded electrical panel at the same time.
When the electrical inspector came, he took a quick look at the panel (which was to code) and then started asking questions about the geothermal system!
Yes, get the inspector a canoe!