Shop Shots

I think I have 6 places on my house electric panel left. The only thing I know about electricity is how to spell it. Here in the Tidewater we can get some humidity, and heat but was surprised how a small window unit kept it comfortable enough. Plan is to monitor heat and humidity for one year. Tighten the building up, and if need be spray foam and install mini-splits, just got to keep saving money in the change jar. Super pumped to get the canoes in one place and get started. Thanks for the advice and encouragement to date.
In the shop this month. Old Towns.15 foot 50 # 1948. 18 foot Guide special 1941. 1955 AA Yankee. 16 foot. Also a 14 foot Atkin lapstrake skiff. a new build. Molds, transom and stem are done. Also just restored a 14 foot Pygmy Wherry. Didn't think I'd be working this hard at 60.


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