peterborough serial number

fred capenos

Canoe Pilot
recently purchased Peterborough wood/canvas canoe it has the following numbers stamped on the stem 1492 and 5906 then a series of xxx xx xxx can anyone tell me anything about my canoe.
Hello Fred,

Welcome to the WCHA forums.
When Peterborough Canoe Co closed its doors 1961, the serial number records were either destroyed or lost. So to figure out a production date is very unlikely.
However, the #1492 is a model number and identify your canoe as a Peterborough Champlain with low ends, built sometime between 1942 and 1961.

Dick Persson
Headwater Wooden Boat Shop
Thanks Dick for your reply. I got the canoe from a friend. His dad bought it new in 1956. I was more interested in xxxx's on the stem. Fred.