Trying To Get Informaton Of My Canoe

Robert McMillan

New Member
I believe my canoe is a Peterborough Prospector, 18 feet Cedar Strip. The numbers stamped into the boat are: 1492, and 1114. Can anyone verify or give me any Information on this Canoe? Any and all responses are welcome.
Thank you,
Go back and check your 1st number,

my data shows that 1492 is for the 16' Champlain - low end, offered from 1942 to 1962 .
1442 is listed for the 18' Peterborough Cruiser model Mohawk, it's listed as being 18' x 37" x 13"
Dan, thank you for getting back to me. The # is definitely 1492. So I measured it, and it is only 16' 5". Therefore must be the Champlain. Do the numbers 1114 mean anything?

Thanks again
My understanding is that the last 4 digits are some kind of numerical counting of canoe, not sure if it's total from the factory or for a given model or ???
FWIW, I also have a Champlain low end waiting for attention. I did test paddle it and it paddled great.

I did look at some pictures on the internet, the 16 foot Champlain 1492 does not have the same geometry as my canoe, (bow and stern rise much more). I know this canoe has been rebuilt. I thinking maybe, the guy might have borrowed parts from other boats (such as the spine). The mystery goes on, I may never know its history. I will keep investigating. I may have to call it a "Karlsbourgh" (Karl was the guy who rebuilt it)….LOL

Thanks again