Peterborough Rowboat Model Number

Scot T

LOVES Wooden Canoes
Ok, finally getting to work on the Peterborough Rowboat I've mentioned in a couple earlier threads.

I believe I have the model number which came to light burned into the keelson under the stern seat. It looks to be #1577 (I'm not totally sure about the 1, it also looks like it might be a 4 but I don't remember Peterborough starting any of their model numbers with a 4...I think not). Anyone have an old catalogue that might have this model listed? The name would be fun to know.
Peterborough serial numbers were lost when the company was foreclosed.
Ivy Lea Shirt Company makes a reprint of some old catalog information.
A picture would allow me to access my copies of old catalogs.
Is it double ended or a transom model.
Look under the seats for written notes used in assembly.
Hi Scot,

Peterborough Canoe Co made many models of double ended rowing skiffs, in lengths from 14’ to 20’.
After 1939 only three models were produced; Viamede #1417, Burleigh #1418 and Buckhorn #1419.
The double ended rowing skiffs produced up to around 1939, had three digit model numbers.
What is the length and beam on your skiff?

Best for now,

Dick Persson
Headwater Canoe Company
Thanks Dick,

Here is my original question concerning this boat with a few photos

LOA: 14' 3" +/-
BEAM: 44" not including outwales
DEPTH: 16"

I read that Peterborough model numbers could be found under one of the seat/thwarts. Other than the number I've mentioned, I can find no other number or markings of note. In the underside of the stern seat there are some imprints of scripted writing with an arrow pointing to the forward edge of the seat. I cannot make out what it says but it appears to be some directions for the person working on the seat to do.....(something) this edge. Or maybe someone used this piece of wood as a writing table as they scribbled on a piece of paper and it has nothing to do with this boat. Directions to the weekly keg party??

Here is a photo of the number. After photographing the number and blowing it up it does now look like 4577 rather than 1577.


  • Serial or Model number.jpg
    Serial or Model number.jpg
    216.8 KB · Views: 671

The posted pictures lead me to believe that your skiff is the 14’ Buckhorn model which was produced from 1938 until 1958. Are the ribs spaced 3”apart?

The skiff could also have been built by the Canadian Canoe Co who built an identical model called the Belmont. The Peterborough deck decal in the posted photos looks suspiciously new compared to the worn wood around it!

It was common to stamp the ones shipped nested under the seats and decks with a number. It is not unusual to also find numbers and/or names and dates written in the same places.

The number stamped into the keelson is probably not the model number but the serial number. The typical Peterborough metal tag was fastened either on the king-plank or on the coaming.
Thanks again Dick, I was thinking it might have been the Buckhorn from what little I know or have found out.

The ribs are 3" on center apart down the keel line but tend to be a bit erradic as approaching the shear.

I agree with the decal being new looking. I know it was revarnished, (rather poorly) sometime in the past so it might have been replaced/added then. Quite a few years ago I suspect.

I can find no evidence of there having been a metal tag on either the king-plank or coaming. Neither looks to having been replaced so I'm thinking the tag was never there.

I didn't know about the Canadian Canoe Co. making the same boat. Interesting.

Anyways, I'm just fixing a couple small issues (a small break to fix in the keel and the bolts in the knees), refinishing it and building a cradle for it so the customer can display it inside. They have an excellent, protected spot for it and it will be well looked after for future generations to appreciate it.