I've got a Peterborough all wood rowboat coming into the shop tomorrow for a refinish and have a few questions.
Where, other than on the inner stem/keelson, could the serial number be? I've not had opportunity to examine many of the all wood Peterboroughs (not very many on the West Coast, I'm guessing) but that's where the serial numbers have turned up so far on the few I've looked at.. I cannot find it on this one. I didn't spend too much time trying and there is a lot of old varnish in this area so maybe it's not obvious.
In the photo below one can see there is the "original" Peterborough decal. Is this the identification label that the rowboats normally had (It is a Peterborough decal, I know)? Another similar boat that I've seen had a brass plate at about the same location (there are no screw holes on this boat to indicate it had a metal plate attached at any time). And if it is original to this boat, can it's existance be used to roughly date the boat? Meaning did they change from brass plates to decals or vice versa at roughly this .... date?
I'll have a few more questions concerning some suspect hardware, floorboards, etc after I have a good look at it in my shop.
Thanks in advance.
Where, other than on the inner stem/keelson, could the serial number be? I've not had opportunity to examine many of the all wood Peterboroughs (not very many on the West Coast, I'm guessing) but that's where the serial numbers have turned up so far on the few I've looked at.. I cannot find it on this one. I didn't spend too much time trying and there is a lot of old varnish in this area so maybe it's not obvious.
In the photo below one can see there is the "original" Peterborough decal. Is this the identification label that the rowboats normally had (It is a Peterborough decal, I know)? Another similar boat that I've seen had a brass plate at about the same location (there are no screw holes on this boat to indicate it had a metal plate attached at any time). And if it is original to this boat, can it's existance be used to roughly date the boat? Meaning did they change from brass plates to decals or vice versa at roughly this .... date?
I'll have a few more questions concerning some suspect hardware, floorboards, etc after I have a good look at it in my shop.
Thanks in advance.