I am looking to paint my 1941 OT HW in it's original color which was maroon. You don't see to many this color and I think it will make for a unique look. Does anyone know where I can find this exact color?
Even if an old Old Town paint color card is found with maroon on it, the colors may have faded a bit so that the exact color may not be known, other than what anyone's interpretation of maroon might be. I checked through old posts using the "search" function and found one older discussion of "maroon" that may be of help. Otherwise, others will jump in here with an opinion... if folks are slow to respond, it may be a nice day for paddling.
Ticonderoga: I suggest picking a shade of Maroon you like and going from there. Your local hardware store can likely match it with an off the shelf enamel, or call Kirby's Paint in New Bedford, MA for an olde timey paint. I bet if you call them and tell them "maroon", they will special mix it and you will have no issues with it. I have asked them to match a "spanish red", and a "malachi green", and with no color chips exchanged they have nailed it.
I've used Pettit "Burgundy" to assimilate Old Town Maroon. It is similar to the Old Town Maroon in photographs of Sig Olson, who was known to order maroon canoes from Old Town.
It is a very rich deep red. You could add some blue to make it more purple if you needed.
I always use more than one quart of paint on a canoe. Not much more, but it is better than trying to stretch it at the end. A 10%-15% addition per quart of Penetrol will help to stretch it as well and also add performance to the paint.
The more painting and sanding you do the finer the finish becomes.