Canoe nut
I suspect this canoe is from 1923. I bought it today, the guy who had it bought it and another canoe in 1975 with the intentions of restoring both. Both hung in his garage until he started on the other canoe a couple of years ago, this one finally came out of the garage this year.
From what he told me, both had hard use in a camp in Maine.
Basically sound, 2 cracked ribs, outer gunwales in poor shape, 1 inner gunwale will need replacing or major splices.
Can you verify my suspicion that it's from 1923 and provide the build sheet?

From what he told me, both had hard use in a camp in Maine.
Basically sound, 2 cracked ribs, outer gunwales in poor shape, 1 inner gunwale will need replacing or major splices.
Can you verify my suspicion that it's from 1923 and provide the build sheet?