I realize that this canoe isn't exactly wooden, however it's a very interesting model that Old Town produced sometime in the late 60's. I'm from Northern Maine and lived in Old Town for a few years in college. I found this canoe on sawhorses outdoors uncovered at my fiances' uncles house. It had been his fathers and he apparently had no use for it. I expressed interest in helping him get it refurbished and eventually he decided to just give it to me. I'm a big history buff and very much interested in finding out everything I can on the topic of this canoe. I think I remember seeing one like it in the Old Town factory store back in 02-03.
Thanks for the help
Photos can be found here http://picasaweb.google.com/christophercorey/NewCanoe#
Thanks for the help
Photos can be found here http://picasaweb.google.com/christophercorey/NewCanoe#