morris picture?


New Member
is this a morris? is the MB factory painted?


  • 030516s.jpg
    107.3 KB · Views: 311
The canoe in the picture could be a Morris, but we'd need to see more than just the profile to be certain. Many Morris canoes left the factory with names and letters and pinstripes--- Morris contracted with a sign painter to come into the factory and do the work, and he was paid by the piece (at least this is what I know from records dating to 1911-12).

could the MB be for a lodge or camp and if so would there be records of sales if said camp ordered say 5 canoes or more? i recall seeing some kind of sales reports somewhere maybe it was here for OT or maybe on another site.. maybe i should have put this post in pinstripes and lettering ??
This is a good place for this discussion.

There aren't any Morris records that tell us where any canoes were sent. The only company records that have been found are some receipts for bills paid in 1911-12 that just happen to have been transported from the factory's office building (where Bert Morris lived) to the home of his brother Charlie. Old Town's records survive because the company never went out of business, and the sales reports you saw were probably related to Old Town.

The MB on this canoe could very well be for a lodge or camp. Others here may chime in with similar things they've seen.

Do you have the canoe in the picture? Are you researching a specific camp?

I don't own the canoe just the picture. I was hoping to get some more information as to where it might have been taken. as it stands it's just an early picture of a canoe. if it was lets say, a morris on tupper lake it would be better. sort of like if one had a photo of a contracted OT on lower st regis would be great (if i remember that paul smiths page i saw somewhere) I just thought i might place the photo in hopes of making a few extra dollars.
I grew up fishing i had boats and canoes. the last boat my grandfather had was a canoe with an outrigger and he trolled for lakers up around messines (if i spelt that right) lac blue sea or sea blue i don't remember which the lodge was named one the lake the other.