Minas Benson Hubbard

In case anyone is interested in Dillon Wallace's books, "The Lure of the Labrador Wild" and "The Long Labrador Trail" are each available for $1.99 at Powell's books

A digital version is available for $2

Wallace's 1922 book "The Story of Grenfell of the Labrador" is also available from Alibris, Abebooks, etc.
winter reading

I am readng THE WOMAN WHO MAPPED LABRADOR,The Life and Expedition Diary of Mina Hubbard, and when I searched this site to see what others had to say I came on this Post from 2004 that asked about the canoes. On page 103 I noted this paragraph.
In the hold were six maple paddles and two"Guides Special"canvas covered canoes, each "Dead Grass" in colour and 19 feet in length, purchased by Mina just a month before for $70.00 from the Old Town Canoe Company of Maine.
Footnote 158 says. Dickie Papers. Leonidas Hubbard had also purchased his canoe from the Old town Canoe Company.
A copy of this invoice is attached below if anyone is curious.



  • Old Town invoice.jpg
    Old Town invoice.jpg
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Thanks Benson, very cool. How did you connect it to the Hubbard expedition other than the date and shipping location?
Lorne Hollett sent me this copy on 4/20/2005 and said that "The original was found by Susan Felsberg while searching through university archives, looking for material on a totally different subject." Lorne is the editor of "THEM DAYS" magazine in Labrador, Canada as I mentioned in my repy number 14 in this thread. I suspect that the "Hubbard" name on the top was the primay connection link.
