Kennebec Canoe Build

Jamie Dunn

Curious about Wooden Canoes
Any body out there have a Kennebec Torpedo? We have the form from the factory here at the Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum. We will be building a 17' Torpedo off of it as a museum/shop project. Trying to gather as much information as possible before construction. I would love a chance to put my eyes and hands on one. Here are a few of my questions:
Type 4A (fancy) TYPE 4A-Mahogany 24-inch decks, finish wales, seats and thwarts, birch, maple or oak keel.
Rib specs width, length of taper and, radius of round over edge.
Thwart specs. Dimensions and design.
Deck and coming construction and details.
Planking details/layout.
I know I'm not asking a lot. If anyone in the upper Midwest has one I could look at that would be great. Otherwise, any pictures, drawings, dimensions would be appreciated.
If you are ever in Norther Wisconsin swing on into Spooner and check out the museum (also a great cone shop were restoration/new builds are usually going on.

Jamie Dunn
Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum
Having worked on a few Kennebecs, here are some of my observations: The rib tapers varied from center to end. It appeared as though either all the ribs were cut to the same size , or at most two sizes, and then tapered. Therefore the taper variation. Rib radii were much like Morris' radii. Planking width was variable. One 15' Kennebec had 3 1/2" planking on one side and 3 5/8" planking on the other.
I never worked on a Torpedo, but the sponsoned square stern had less "quick and dirty" techniques than the others.
Your best option may be to contact Ric and Wendy Fetridge. They have a nice one as shown at the first link below. He appears to have a Facebook page at the second link. The third link has a few pictures of one here from a former member. The picture at the fourth link appears to show one in New York City from 1927. The fifth link shows an old model that looks like one. The stem line shown at is very distinctive.

The next best options will be old catalogs. This model was first shown on page 18 of the 1917 catalog shown at the sixth link below. It was last shown in the 1927 catalog as shown in the images attached below. Good luck,


So, we are moving along with the Kennebec Torpedo Form canoe build. So we are ribbed, planked, canvased and filled. I love this form. The curves! Getting the canoe off the form with this much tumblehome was a bit of work. My question for today is, does anyone have a paint color card from Kennebec - 1920's? In stock colors were green and Italian red. "Other colors and types we can furnish, the length of time required varying one week to three weeks according to the extras called for by the order. Color card on request." So just wondering what the other colors offered were. Thanks
A couple through planking.


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does anyone have a paint color card from Kennebec - 1920's?

I haven't found one. The Kennebec catalogs may be your best source of information. This canoe is looking great. The link below has an Old Town color card from that era. My usual advice is to just pick colors that you like. Good luck,


Another couple of question. 1) thwart dimensions. I know Kennebec had a wide flat thwart in many of the drawings/pictures I have seen. I am ready to cut out the thwarts and wondering what the width, thickness and profile/shape was. 2) Seats. Anything special about the seats and caning pattern. Any measurements and pictures will be helpful.