Just got a 1974/75 Tremblay 20 foot

MArk Wright

Curious about Wooden Canoes
Greetings all. Glad to be a part of the forum.

Recently I was at a wedding of a young lady that had lived with our family for about 6 months. The wedding was on a mountain at the grandfathers of the groom in Western PA.

While waiting for a ceremony I was walking around and in the back the gentleman had a poonton boat, a fishing boat, a couple used trailers, some other items, and this Tremblay 20 foot canoe. It was sitting on a trailer with flat tires.

I asked what he was going to do with it.. and he said if you want it you can have it. Seems that he had gotten it for an Amish gentleman who never took it. He had the paperwork including a death certificate for one of the old owners.

long story short I got hold of the old owner (he was part owner with his dad who had pasted away) met at the local notary and transferred the trailer and registered the boat

So, I am now the proud owner of a 1975 (that is what the registration says) Tremblay that was made with canvas but then fiber-glassed.

next project stripping it down and redoing it

and I have a TON of questions


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