Film crew, canoe, humor


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Had a film crew use my freight canoe to take pictures of me paddling. One fellow, sense of humor, added captions. they were all new to the boat but were adventuresome, professionals, and paid to do the job.


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Canoes in film

Hello Kathy,
In short, Investigative Discovery Channel is doing a series titled "Prison Wives," with one husband, me. I spend most of my time visiting my wife in prison and helping to raise her two kids. The canoes are "therapy." The producers wanted to see that. It became a photogenic shoot, and fun for the crew, and will be in the film but I don't know how much.
Visit the "wives" site at
or the media site

Tim and Deion's story, and the canoe, will air on March 10th at 10 PM Eastern Time on Investigation Discovery channel.

does that answer?
Smiles and Tears

Tim-- I'm always telling people what a great bunch we have in the WCHA and what a wonderful, supportive community we have in Forums. This world is *blessed* by such as you. I'm glad the story of Deion and her children-- which speaks loudly of the sociological and legal systems that shape the lives the powerless and less-privileged-- will get media coverage. We'll be watching. Too bad it isn't "Frontline".

Glad you are who you are... glad you have the canoes. Your family is in my thoughts, and if my "mental energies" have any power at all, you have whatever is there.

Misfortune, humor, and canoes

Hello Kathy,
Thank you for the kind words. Life can be challenging, and difficult. Canoes and humor are great to get perspective.
Speaking of humor...I went to the attic and got out the Victorola, I put in a new needle, I patched the old Morris, I set a backrest and pillow, then I launched the canoe and paddled around. Still, no females batting their eyelashes.
Was the William Tell overture the right music? The only other 78 I have here is Bing Crosby's White Christmas.
The canoe leaked a little but didn't sink. Do women in puffy dresses mind getting a little wet?
I was was concerned the record would skip but I was real surprised, that heavy mechanical arm tracked real good even when I rocked the boat.
I do find cranking the Victorola a pain when trying to paddle. Isn't that the woman's job?
Was I supposed to wear a bow tie and derby hat?
Just curious, Tim


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I do find cranking the Victorola a pain when trying to paddle. Isn't that the woman's job?
Was I supposed to wear a bow tie and derby hat?
Just curious, Tim

The guys shown at look like the ones cranking their Victrolas. They even had neck ties and sailor's hats but still couldn't find any ladies to ride in their canoes. It appears to take more than a nice canoe, music, and fancy clothing.


Glad the chrome you applied to the Morris kept her afloat!

The William Tell Overture is a good choice, although you might find yourself needing to paddle faster when the music ramps up, returning you to those thrilling days of yesteryear and the canoe morphs into a fiery horse with the speed of light. Is your record Leopold Stokowski, with the Philadelphia Orchestra?

I imagine ragtime music would have been played, if it was available on Victor... not exactly "leisurely", but it was the music of the Young in those days.

I'm not convinced that many of the puffy-dressed women knew how to swim back then, so they might have panicked a bit if the boat began taking on water. Not sure how easy it would be to swim in a puffy dress, even with a PFD.

Possibly cranking the Victrola was the job of whoever wasn't paddling the canoe... as long as the individual had opposable thumbs. So, a dog wouldn't help much.

I think the derby hats went with the white shirt and regular necktie, and the bow tie went with the striped shirt and straw hat.

Victrolas in Canoes

Interesting picture.
Someone will date it by that horn on the right. Unusual. I originally dismissed the idea of Victorolas in canoes but having done it changed my mind. It works. The sound gets lost on the lake, open space. No amplifier on a wind up phonograph. And I see no pictures of Edisons.
I patched the Morris with glue, duct tape, and staples.
The record is from 1908, Columbia Orchestra.
The picture of two guys cruising alone carries over to this day only it is a fancy car on main street, and the guy is alone. I think it takes more than a canoe or a car to get the girl.
Just saw an ad for the show on TV... we get a very limited number of stations (the super-low package with local channels, PBS, and a few others) but we do get ID and will be watching the series.
