I'm glad that so many people are enjoying the little video. Mike McCormik of Sebectec had set up the web cam in the shop as an experiemnt. We didn't really know if it would be something that would be useful or just be in the way.
We just happen to be having a six day building class with Keith and Josh McCormick of Clevland. Mike started making one day videos of each days progress just to show us what the shop cam could do. It was toward the end of the class where we realized that the videos could be something that we could really use.
Since this was really the first days that the camera was in the shop we did experience several difficulties such as the progrram freezing for certain time periods and even quiting for a while. As a result there are several periods in the video where several hours were missed or where one picture froze on screen for long periods. Of course with a bit of production time in a video editing program things could be better but again the whole idea of doing this was just to see if the shop cam was goin to be useful to us with no thoughts as to making a video for the public!
We could of done a better job if we knew what we were doing but it seems to be entertaining enough as is which is a good way to leave it. I do have a higher quality cd of the video which shows detail much better than the You Tube verison.
We have decided to keep the shop cam. Anyone can check out whats happening in the shop in real time at
www.wooden-canoes.com/~nw68go/ . There is also a blog where people can comment or question on whats going on or where they can request certian things be shown.
the blog can be accessed thru
Northwoods Canoe Cam Blog We are still working on a details such as getting a more friendly address and getting a album posted of the last weeks worth of pictures. Not much is going to be happening over Xmas but the New Year should bring an improved site!