Considering C&K "Solo Stripper" Canoe Build


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I bought the plans for the "Solo Stripper" canoe from "Canoe and Kayak" magazine more than 10 years ago but never built it. It was copywrighted by "Canoe" magazine in 1987. Now there are a lot of newer designs around and I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to build it. I chose it because it was the longest solo canoe design I could find.
It's 14' 6" by 29" and about 45 lb. Any one familiar with it or possibly have a picture of one?

p.s. The book that came with the plans is by Lew Miller. Could he be the designer?
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I think I bought that same set of plans many years ago, but never built it, either. I ended up getting a kit from a builder who's no longer in business.

You'd do well to learn a few things about hull design, and think about where you'll be using it most. If you want a whitewater boat, and build a tripping boat, you won't like it... if you want wide & stable for fishing, and build narrow for speed, again, you won't like it... these are extreme examples, but applicable. Figure out what you want the boat to be able to do best, learn what features will best suit your intended purpose, and choose a design based on those attributes. I don't recall specifics of that particular hull.

Building a cedar strip is a significant investment of your time... I'd hate to see you end up with something that won't serve the intended purpose!

Another option is to find a hull you like, and loft the lines off it, so you can reproduce it. It's not a particularly difficult process, but it demands meticulous attention to detail. Not unlike the rest of the building process...
I'm well over 70 years old so I'm not into white water beyond class 2 and don't expect to do any tripping. My whitewater boat, such as it is, is a Bateau Cheap Canoe. It is just right for banging on rocks and scraping bottom. Not very sophisticated but it can really take a hit. And it only weighs 45 lb.
This stripper will be for general flatwater use. Usually double paddle. I want a solo boat but don't want to settle for the usual short waterline. And the projected weight of this design, 45 lb. is within my ability to get onto the rack of my HHR.
When I stack the patterns one on top of the other it looks like there is only a ¼" of rocker.
Also, when I started this project way back when I bought a set of strips from Noahs. About $340 at the time. They are worth over $500 today and I would feel bad if I used them to build a boat that's a loser.
Turns out a friend here built from the Canoe Mag plans, though he added 1" of rocker to it. I know he likes the boat, because he's paddled it many miles, on rivers & lakes. The extra rocker serves well for rivers, but since you're looking at it for mostly flatwater use, it might not matter. If it's your first-ever build, not modifying the plans may be a good idea.
The Osprey by Swift is a popular all-around solo boat. There are also plans for it as a stripper. It is a bit longer at 15' but has a similar width. I have one and enjoy it for lake use, I would be fine if it has less rocker than it does if it was only going to be used in the lake. I use it with a single and double blade. You might find one of these to try out and get a feel for the size. The old Autumn Mist by Sawyer is also in that range. I would not want it any deeper than the Osprey if it was not to be used for tripping.
I'm not familiar with the set of plans you have purchased....long ago. However, I too, am over 70 and have built several strippers...both canoes and kayaks. I am very comfortable in the Rob Roy (13') from Bear Mountain even at 6'2 and 185 lbs. With a double paddle she tracks well and moves along at a good pace. The problem is that my wife has assumed ownership "yes dear!" Now I'm building the Wee Lassie II from McCarthy's Featherweight Boatbuilding book for myself. All this being said, it sounds like you are interested is something a little longer. I guess the real answer is to honestly decide what you REALLY want your new stripper for. Flat, calm, protected waters is one thing...swift rivers or wind-swept bays is totally different. My bottom line? Solo, souble paddle and light is the ticket. Take your time in deciding. As metioned above; a stripper is a time's all fun, but it takes some time to do it right. The only other thing I can add is to make every effort to go stapleless! It may double your time but IMHO it will enhance the finished product by a factor of at least ten. Good luck, BJ

PS: If you decide to go with McCarthy's WL or WL2 the plans are in the shopping at its best!
I am no lover of short waterline paddleboats. I want the glide that goes with a longer waterline. I'd like a boat where I coud tick off 8-12 miles on an 80 degree day without being beat to pieces. My Cheap Canoe has about a 12 foot waterline and it's definitely short on glide. That the reason I was attracted to this "Solo Stripper". 14' 6" is a goodly waterline length for a solo boat. Since it seems to be an an older, orphan design I was hoping someone could comment on it. I guess I'll have to trust to luck and build it to find out if it's up to snuff.
Very familiar. Built it as my first solo canoe and proptly went swiming...I have picts of it but I will have to scan them since I buily it in 1989...Whay ir the planned use? It will make a difference...
In reading the rest of the comments you posted i would recomend the widgeon from Woodstip watercraft. it is a 14' hull 28" wide and 2" of rocker. While the plans are for the 14' version the buider offers it in 13 and 15' lengths so I am sure they can give you the mold spacings to build it in 15'
Very familiar. Built it as my first solo canoe and proptly went swiming...I have picts of it but I will have to scan them since I buily it in 1989...Whay ir the planned use? It will make a difference...

Would love to see some pics of it. The one on the plan offering was B&W and not very revealing so I hardly know what it looks like.
I am well over 70 years of age. A light boat like this would help me in cartopping. Most of what I intend will be open flat water, Ohio River, Lake Erie shoreline, inland lakes, with an occasional jaunt on some of the popular canoe rivers down state that are known for easy paddling.
I am locked in to two designs because I long ago laid out and cut the forms for them. So it's Solo Stripper or Sunnyside Cruiser. From what I can tell from the molds the Solo is a lot flatter on bottom than the Sunnyside Cruiser.
I paddle a plywood wonder called Cheap Canoe which is noted for being tippy. I have run modest rapids with it many times and have richoceted off many boulders without ever being dunked. It will continue to be my choice for dodging rocks and scraping bottom
Mine too are old B/W I scanned 2 for you below. I found the boat a little on the tippy side, and I found at 210lbs it would track like it was on rails, but so much. I used it for a couple of years and then moved on to the widgeon in a 14" length. The rocker made it more stable. I didn't notce any loss of carry and it could turn down the Jersey Pines] rivers...Two pictures of the solo, one of a 14' Widgeon

SOlo T (2).jpgSOlo T.jpgWH016_13A_0001.jpg
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Thanks. You have told me a lot. Your boats look nicely made.The Solo shows up well against the snow.
I have made two of them, Followed the prints from Canoe Mag. did not add rocker. They go in a couple inches of water and do not hit bottom. Iam very happy with mine and plan on building more.