So, did the owner worked at Keewaydin or not? If so can you PM his name. As an archivist for Keewaydin I like to know these things.
Wannigan ribs were the brain child of Keewaydin but they were installed by Chestnut at the factory during building. They were not installed at or by Keewaydin. Wannigan ribs are installed after the hull is built. They are clinch nailed from the outside so you really can’t install them once the canvas is on.
Keewaydin was Chestnut’s largest retail purchaser of canoes. They had a standing order every year from the 20’s right up until Chestnut closed. There was a good relationship there.
The term carrying thwart is not used at Keewaydin. They are referred to as carry handles – the little thwarts near the decks. The early canoes didn’t have them but later models (post 50’s or even 60’s) came to the camp with them installed by the factory.
Can you post a picture of the tumpline thwart, or the carrying bar as we call them at Keewaydin.