Larry Meyer
Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
You have any idea when made? Looks like a "good era" build. Note rounded over gunnels.
larry thanks , i did some research and i am going to try either watco teak oil or deks # 1 and oil the whole paddle. the big paddle is really nice, i will bring all the goodies to the norumbega chapter meeting at hale reservationAbsolutely AVOID Linseed oil on paddle shafts. I concur with Todd on this. Two times I have used linseed oil on canoeing stuff (a pole and a packbasket) have been disasters. Linseed oil turns black and slightly gummy and dirt sticks to it. Varnish the blade and oil the shaft. With an oiled shaft and handle, you seldom blister, whereas varnished shafts and handles blister like the dickens.
For oil, use high quality tung oil. Actually the best oil for paddles I have found is what I use for treating my guitar fingerboards.
I have never seen those seats in the many Chestnuts I have worked on. They appear to be after market items which were used to replace the original hand caned seats. I feel safe to say that they are not from the Chestnut Canoe Company.