Chapter Channels on the Forum?

Brad Fisher

Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
Has anybody discussed the idea of this forum as the main channel for comminicating with members on a chapter basis? We at Three Rivers are currently using Facebook for that, along with email of course. Some members don't like Facebook (I don't blame them) and I'm looking for a better platform. I wonder if it would make sense to set up, for example, a Three Rivers Chapter Channel where we would announce and discuss events. It would have the advantage of being robust, easier to manage, more "cross-pollenating" among chapters, and drive more participation in the forums on a general level.
A forum here for your chapter (or any other) could easily be setup. The only down side is that people outside your chapter would be able to see those messages and respond, if that matters. Would you like me to create one for you to test?
