Sylvan. You shoulda been there.

Brad Fisher

LOVES Wooden Canoes
Hi Woodie Fans!

We paddled Sycamore Island. We ate lasagna. We paid our dues. A dozen of us, including new members Bud and Carolyn Glendenning, had a warm and rewarding afternoon at the venerable, historic Sylvan Canoe Club in Pittsburgh yesterday. The one thing we forgot to do was TAKE THE PICTURE. Andy used to do that.

Here are some highlights from our Annual Meeting and discussion.

Treasurer’s report
We aren’t broke. Still, pay your 2025 Chapter dues ($20) if you haven’t already.
You can pay them by check made out to "WCHA Three Rivers Chapter.”
Mail your payment to
Fred Capenos
324 Washington Trail
Chalk Hill PA 15421

NOTE: Chapter dues are in addition to your WCHA national membership, which you should renew on the WCHA website at Chapter dues go to help offset the costs of our outings, events and special projects.

We didn’t fire anybody, and we didn’t elect anyone new. I’m still looking for volunteers to help with 1) newsletter writing, and 2) managing our membership list and calendar, with the aim of replacing me in a year or two.

We decided we don’t like Facebook as our main channel of communication. In addition to maintaining email, I’m looking into moving our announcements, discussion, etc. over to the WCHA Forums by creating a special channel just for Three Rivers Chapter. Love to hear your thoughts on that.

We also discussed reviving our Chapter newsletter. Do you miss it? Let me know. Expect to be hit up for content once we nail down a schedule.

The Annual Meeting
We decided to schedule this meeting on a Saturday at 10 am next year to give people better travel time and, of course, freedom to go to church and watch Steelers on Sunday.

A request was made for us to share our list of members. I think that’s a good idea. I’m working on the best way to do that.

There was a sense that we are leaning in to Zoom meetings, especially during the winter. New member Carolyn Glendenning has offered to support us in this with her Zoom account. GO, NEWBIE ENTHUSIASM!

That’s not to say anything’s changing regarding outings. We’re looking for new meeting hosts for the coming year. Bud and Carolyn have already stepped up. I repeat GO NEWBIE ENTHUSIASM! Thanks, you guys.

One outing suggestion that got some interest is a field trip to the all-new Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough, Ont. Love to gauge your interest in that.

Upcoming: Mini Assembly October 11-13
Remember, our next event is Mini Assembly, to be held October 11-13 at Gifford Pinchot State Park in York County, PA. We gather every fall with three other chapters for paddling, fellowship and learning. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to carve a paddle, cane a seat, canvas a canoe or cook in the backwoods, this is a good place to do it. More details on this event to come. Now’s the time to reserve a campsite or cabin if you haven’t already. The daytime activities will be held at Quaker Race Day Use Area. This year we’re planning, as our Chapter’s contribution to the learning sessions, to bring a canoe that needs new canvas and work on that together. Stay tuned for details.

Planning Meeting in November
We’ll be wheeling and dealing in Wheeling in November, putting together the 2025 Calendar. Stay tuned for information on when and where.

… to all the folks who worked to make the Annual Meeting such a great afternoon. You know who you are. Anne.

Cheers! See you at Gifford Pinchot!
