Carrying into Allagash Lake

There is a good description of the Carry in John McPhee's book, "Survival of the Bark Canoe". I don't think the carry has changed significantly since he did that trip. There is one new road crossing, otherwise Thoreau's acccount is still accurate.

My guess is the carry gets a bit more use these days since it is part of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail route.

I don't have any decent pictures. We were too busy CARRYING!

We made a slight error in judgement and ran Mud Pond Stream coming out of Mud Pond.
I do believe there is a snowmobile trail that parallels the stream and can be used as a portage trail.


The carry is unchanged since my first trip in 1968, except the road. The road is pretty upsetting but typical of the stewardship the waterway is subjected to.

There is a bit more traffic due to NFC traffic but not all that much.
Many through paddlers regard this carry as one of the worst spots on the entire trip. Paddlers that relied on wheels for previous carries cannot use them here. On a recent trip we helped one person with his gear while he carried his wheels.

I was not aware of a trail to bypass the Mud Pond outlet. That might make the upstream route easier. Never the less, I will still paddle and walk the outlet on my next trip. I have always found it to be quite passable (after moving a few rocks) season dependent.

Here are a few pictures from my most recent trip. The first picture in the beginning from Umbazooksus. In 71 there was a sign marking the spot and it was necessary because the trail went off into the alders and was not easy to locate. The last picture is the load up in Mud Pond. You can see the "mud line" on my sons legs.
Sorry theses are not in better focus but they were snapped "on the go".
I will look for the photos from my 1971 carry and post those if I can find them.

One thing that is worth mentioning is footwear on this carry. Be prepared. I have tried just about everything on this trip from my elk tanned 18" L.L. Bean "Genuine Non-Slip Chain Tread" boots to Teva's. The only thing that seems to really work are my Keens. They have a real sole, toe protection and fit tightly enough so that they do not get sucked off in the mud. They are open enough to let water run through them but not as open as Teva's so they do not let as many rocks in.


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This is all excellent information, Thank you all. Very much looking forward to this adventure and will report back how it went.
