allagash lake
Been in there a number of times so may be of some help.
First loon lodge is on round pond I guided out of there for mike yencha a number of years ago, he did offer a canoe service, from the camps to where ever you wanted, which is a better than trying to make this carry,from round pond. I believe mike has sold these camps, but you can find the new owners a quick search for loon lodge on the web. If I was making this trip, I would make plans for them to portage me, I been over these roads, don't think it would be a enjoyable portage.
About 3 good ways into allagash lake, first is a carry into the lake by the fire tower, south end bring some wheels it is about a mile.
2nd is down allagash stream, done this a few times, spring there is good water, but summer you will be wading over cobble stone rocks, that have been painted from the canoes dragged over them. 3rd is in from Johnson pond which is the way I like to go, the outlet of Johnson is muddy, but never not been not able to paddle through this, the stream is small and narrow, but very wade-able and better going not muddy but not the cobble stones either. I have been in through Johnson in July a number of different years.
I would be very surprised if you can not get through the narrow pd road as there are both logging camps and private camps on this road, I not sure where your going on this rd though. I would plan on going in over allagash mt, Johnson mt road 1st (by round pond) or in from the other end by wadleigh stream, besides being the poplar way to allagash lake there are camps in here and I assume that one way or the other will be open.
This is a great trip, you can go down to the lake and back out, their is the ice caves and the fire tower, if you go down to chamberlain, you have little allagash falls and the trains/tramway. down allagash stream is can be tough no matter the time of year it is quick water and dose get very shallow, but never so much I could not drag a canoe. Be aware if going onto chamberlain it is a big lake and the wind and waves come up quick, a number of people have died, drowned on this lake, just a few years ago a large boat swamped and 3 men drown. I know the road in from telos crosses allagash stream, this is not considered a access point to the water way, but is often used by many... we have often hid supply's here including a small motor to use getting across chamberlain after the rail road tracks,you can use a motor not sure what a ranger would say about that though. If I can be a help with any questions drop me a e-mail birchhillcamps at, I check in here but not often enough, I have spent a lot of time over there, and as i said before it is a great trip with many different possibility.-Steve