Canadian Canoe Company 16 footer

Mike Heines

Upstate Canoe Sailor
I picked up a 16 foot Canadian Canoe Company (made in Peterborough)canoe last weekend. It has a single thwart, is about 34 inches wide. One brass ring for a "painter" in the bow. Thought to be built about 1935.Is it a Chinook? A model 44? A "Canadian pleasure model"? What design hallmarks should I look for? Thanks for your help.
Hi Mike,

Look for a serial number - like Peterborough, Canadian (at least for while) used the model number as part of the serial number.

Dick will correct me if I am wrong, but I think the Model 44 is the same as the Peterborough Otonabee - a high grade pleasure canoe with outside stems and hardwood trim. Thi Chinook will be about the same as the Chestnut Ajax/Moonlight/Pal and Peterborough Champlain (low-end).

I took lines off a Canadian 44 a while ago. Nice canoe!

Serial Number - DUH!

Thanks for reminding to look at first things first. The serial number, as near as I can figure it out , appears to be 5954 50. If the 50 refers to the model, then this is a Special Canvas Canoe. Lemme quote from my reprint brochure of the Canadian Canoe Company catalog of 1941 "No. 50 is a Special Canvas Canoe, covered with a lighter Duck than our standard fitted with two cane seats, varnished inside and painted outside Red..." Along with the 16 foot length and the single thwart, it's beginning to look more like this may be what this little beauty is. I'll try to bring it to Assembly so all of us chin scratchers can cogitate.

Mike H.