Barbarians!You guys are cruel showing off corpses of what probably were perfectly good canoes.When will these guys realize that the inherant value of an intact 1890s canoe is worth more in value than $1200.00 in bookcase ends.
I think I'll chop a Harley up for windchimes.
On the subject of Beer;Raftsman is OK but le maudit is much nicer not to mention that it features a label with Voyageurs sailing their canoe over Chambly or is it Montreal.Le Maudit of course must be drank from a glass as the label instructs to avoid the Beaver Muck in the bottom.
Upper Canada Brewery also has a nice Voyageur motif on its label;plunging through Hells Gate or maybe just the Long Seault.And Sleeman has a Beaver embossed on its bottle though sadly not relating to Omer Stringer.