Auction, attn Dan Miller

Yeesh! Any more of that and I just might have to rescind my offer of a campsite... :p At the least, you are now expected to bring the viking funeral...I mean firewood...!
With apologies to Ferdy, I'll just say that I prefer my birch bark to keep the water out rather than the books in. Nonetheless, I can tell we'll get along fine come the last week in March. As promised there will be some Thousand Islands pale ale, and since you've raised the bar, perhaps a little Rare Vos as well ( Where the heck is Cavanaugh when you need him anyway...???

Dan, raising a glass to dear Grandpa HorseyWheels
come on march

Losing friends and relatives lately reminds me not to wish the time away, but constant freeze/thaw cycles have us claims adjusters working madly and really march cant come soon enuf. I'm really looking forward to this build, and like I told JS I want a smooth, fair hull to shoot black imron on - what else looks as good with gold turned lettering. Now to figure out a name.....
Have to admit not much of a beer nut, but this is my preferred poison...
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Hey they're not so bad. Get the pair and with a few drywall screws and a tube of caulk you could have a birchbark canoe. :)


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Beer? Someone mention Beer?

I'd turn a Mercedes into a hot tub before I'd cut into a birchbark to make bookcases!
Barbarians!You guys are cruel showing off corpses of what probably were perfectly good canoes.When will these guys realize that the inherant value of an intact 1890s canoe is worth more in value than $1200.00 in bookcase ends.
I think I'll chop a Harley up for windchimes.
On the subject of Beer;Raftsman is OK but le maudit is much nicer not to mention that it features a label with Voyageurs sailing their canoe over Chambly or is it Montreal.Le Maudit of course must be drank from a glass as the label instructs to avoid the Beaver Muck in the bottom.
Upper Canada Brewery also has a nice Voyageur motif on its label;plunging through Hells Gate or maybe just the Long Seault.And Sleeman has a Beaver embossed on its bottle though sadly not relating to Omer Stringer.
don't get your undies into too tight of a wad just yet. The birchbark bookcases were some cheezy craft thing that never was a boat and looks like it wasn't much of a birch tree either. The one made from a W/C canoe was kinda sad though.
synthetic weed
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