Andre Cloutier
Firestarter. Wicked Firestarter.
As I've been prodded into looking after the auction, its time I send out the inevitable post looking for donations and assistance. The total has been breaking its own record the last few years it would be wonderful to maintain the same momentum and not be at the healm the year it went backwards! Several members and chapters have graciously committed items already, so I would like to call on everyone who participates in the forum to give some thought to anything they might be able to contribute, albeit outdoors/canoe related in some way. Of course this can take the form of one's own handywork, brand new or vintage items. As the auction is a major source of revenue for the WCHA its a great way to contribute to the bottom line and continued vitality of the organization. Of course one need not attend, as items have been shipped out in past years by offering members. Having donated items for several years now its gratifying to see them bid on and off to a new home where they're appreciated. At a minimum its some great free advertising for any builders or suppliers who might be convinced to donate something.
Down off the soapbox now, see you at assembly.
Down off the soapbox now, see you at assembly.