We need to contact the TV station and ask if they can put it on YouTube, or send us a copy of the segment on a disk so that we (I) could put it on YouTube. There's wording at the bottom of their page, stating that their stuff can't be "redistributed"... so we'd need permission. And we'd need a way to get it into my computer, which I can't do off of that segment-- maybe someone caught the original airing of the segment on DVD-- then, we could upload to YT once we had permission. It's such a great endorsement of the WCHA, it would be nice to make it more available.
I'll figure out who to write regarding this, and hope they send me a copy to upload. And if anyone taped (or DVDd) the original airing, let me know... but we'd still need permission. Can't imagine they'd say "no" though.