'68 20' Ogilvy restoration


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I got this canoe in June of '09 , it's a 20' Chestnut Ogilvy 1968 vintage . It'd been in a barn for a few years , the owner wasn't going to fix it so he let me have it . It had been hit by a snow plow at some point before it wound up in the barn . I finished it this past June '10 and it has made 2 trips up the North Branch of the Main Southwest Miramichi and a paddle or 2 on the Magaguadavic R .

I had to replace 21 ribs , splice inwhales and stems , a lot of planking , built a new front seat and had both front and back seats recained , new canvas , and new ash outwhales as well .

This was my 1st restoration and some of the info that I needed to do it came from this site , thanks guys .





North Branch MSWM (Alder Grounds)
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Thanks , besides the pup in the photo my son (also in the photo) helped me out a bit . I also got a lot of info and advice from my friend Don F.

It's not perfect but I'm pleased .