2011 Assembly Photos - Post yours here:

Yes, thanks for the photos. Looks like a beautiful experience, hope to join you all someday!
a few photos

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Documented a paddle with the Nolans... yes, I've used this music before, but it works well with water-related-subjects and YouTube hasn't erased it from any of my videos. It was originally written to be played on the glass armonica, which is an instrument invented by Benjamin Franklin. If I ever find a version played on the glass armonica, I'll use that one.


P.S. We are still wending our way home from the Assembly and are currently in Quebec.

Thanks Kathryn....great video....are you coming back through Canada???? Are you planning on visiting the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough????
nice views

Thanks Kathy and Denis, your videos help bring the Assembly to life for those that were not there - and bring it back for we who were. I like the activity sounds that are under the music.

For those who have never been to Assembly - this is just a small portion of what you're missing...the many workshops, paddling instruction and adventures, vendor offerings, discussions of the canoes displayed, evening presentations, children's programming...make plans now to attend next year...July 11-15, back at Paul Smiths.
Our friend, Sue Hand, sent us this pic from Friday evening's Paddleby. This moment, (Martha's relaunch), was sweeter shared with folks having a common passion, thank you all in attendance. We make our case to attend Assembly 2012, please.

Dave & Peggy Davidson


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Every place is on the table. Someone even brought up the possibility of having the Assembly in Clearwater, Florida.
Denis and I returned today to two very happy dogs, who must have thought they'd never see us again. They may now not even remember having been abandoned... but one thing I loved about our Peterborough Assembly was the availability of a nearby B&B that permitted dogs.

Paul Smith's seems the ideal set-up (minus the dog-thing), and (as Ken said) now that the WCHA has its foot in the door again we may need to consider it our "Assembly Home-Base" in order to hold the mid-July slot that seems to be best for most folks. This doesn't mean we won't have Assemblies in other places, though... but as far as I know, at this point the Assemblies aren't carved in stone any farther-off than next year-- which is Paul Smith's and the topic of Old Town Canoes. At some point, a Canadian builder will be the topic and Canada would be the logical location-- and we know Peterborough works as an Assembly site and is especially nice with the museum there too.

As gas prices go higher, members may find it convenient to have more of the localized "mini-assemblies". It would be fun to travel North America, attending regional assemblies... or working-in another chapter's paddling-event, when planning a vacation in another part of the world.


A few more Assembly pics.


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Paddle-by Spectators

Paul Smith's has the perfect setup for watching the paddle-by--


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Thanks for all the great pictures being posted.

I would like to know the ID of the two canoes below.

I believe the first is a Rushton Indian Girl, but with a long deck I have not seen on an IG. Is this a pre or post 1906 canoe?

I'm not sure what the second one is.

Tags on all the pictures would be helpful.




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Hi Paul,

The one on the left is unmarked, but otherwise carries many of the features of the Indian Girl canoe. It is either very late (i.e. 1915-1916 - ish) or possibly even post-1917 (St. Lawrence Boat Works, e.g.). An image very similar to it appears in the circa 1916 J.W. Rushton catalog.

The other canoe is a Morris.

Assembly canoes

A few canoes on the green.


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