Winter Projects - Bob's and 50 Pounder


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
In Memoriam
What are you folks finishing for Winter Projects?

I've been tinkering with an older Chestnut Bob's Special and more recently an Old Town 50 Pounder. I had them in the yard yesterday and thought the comparison between the two canoes was interesting.

The Bob's is varnished and canvased now.


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Howdy Fitz

I sure like the look of that 50 lber, a person could go places in it Im thinking. I saw a couple that a member had at the last NW fall meet We do not see many American built w/c canoes this way ,very rare.Been places in a Bob nice canoe!
No shop these days Was renting one.I currently have 3 to dos (an 18 & a 16 Peterborough Floatwells , a 17 Chestnut frieghter) and one on the form but all on hold.So no winter projects to show Going to build something called a garage (heard its a building supposedly for vehicle storage ) sometime in the near future.
I just might make the Assembly this summer
dboles said:
Going to build something called a garage (heard its a building supposedly for vehicle storage )

You heard wrong. "Garage" is a synonym for "Boat Construction and Storage Unit". Putting your car in one is a waste of perfectly good usable space.

A garage may occasionally used for things other than boat construction and storage -- making paddles & portage yokes, trailer maintenance, and such. It's also a good place for a dedicated beer fridge, set for 45 to 50degreesF/7 to 10degreesC.

Oh, I suppose "portage yolks" could be included with "boat construction"...
The only project I "can" work on these days is the house, in a couple years whe it is done, then I can go back to playing with the wood. Sure have alot waiting, calling....

A garage, yes, most comments are right, BUT I suspect that for a few weeks in the winter DB will actually want it to park his vehicles in, as can get a bit chilly up North, and the cars really like garages then. Here down south (MPLS), last winter was generally warm, and we only "needed" the garage for about 1 1/2 weeks.

I do plan to build another canoe rack outback, to house the projects, probably a 8 stall unit. That would make 13 slots outside for canoes and would reduce the number of canoes in the garage, allowing for more room for machinery and canoe work space. :) ( Finished and/or special canoes stay inside.)

My winter project has been a new 20' x 30' workshop. Not overly large but plenty for me to work on my guitars, the ever growing fleet of wooden canoes and those many wood projects my lovely wife dreams up for me.

Here's a photo of the electrical being put in last month and another of the first restoration in the nearly finished (just the wood floor to go this summer) shop. I chose that humblest of canoes, the Huron 14'er to be the first through the door. Just seemed fitting to me.


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Here are a couple shots of the current state of my Winter (actually spring) project.


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winter project

Looking good Dan, put two more coats of Ooblek on the bottom, waiting for it to cure - down to 4degrees at nite so its slow. Belt sander did a nice job of fairing the doublers, guess we got it right 'cause its got a nice deck curve to it now. This weekend the deck goes down and start the coaming and seat support. Oh and all the phillips screws are being changed for brass Roberstons, EH.
Winter Project Turned Late Spring

I was shooting for a Father's Day deadline, but there are still a few things to do. Dad is down for the Norumbega Father's Day Paddle and his extra hands were a great help during Keel re-installation today.

The Bob's Special will be finished later this week. The outwales need more varnish and the maple seats and thwarts need to go in. I finished caning the bow seat last night. I chose a Kirby's gray green color.

Can't wait to float it.




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Looking great Fitz. I like that color, subtle but with class. Looking forward to the launch photos.
winter projects

I am in the same boat moved into new house on the lake "pemadumcook chain of lakes" have several orders but no shop yet. only thing i have been doing is maintaining the fleet
Winter Project

Here's a shot of my Winter project. Made the mast and spars (hollow birds mouth construction) for a sail rig for our 17 foot Prospector. The sail is by Todd Bradshaw and it's a beauty. I wanted to get it done in time for the No Octane Regatta last weekend, but didn't get the leeboards completed. Max Peterson graciously offered the loan of his original Old Town leeboards so we could take it up to the Adirondacks for its maiden voyage. We had a great weekend celebrating our 40th anniversary!


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That looks great;)
I've heard conflicting things about mast steps, but the champlain I have with the sail package has the forward thwart just like that.
Bow Seat

Could someone tell me how far back the bow seat in a Bob's goes? I need a measurement from the tip of the bow to the back of the seat or something to that effect.

I suspect this particular Bob's never had a bow seat or it was removed early. There were several thwarts added over the years, so I have multiple holes in the inwale confusing the situation. I made a new seat and need to install it.

I'm calling the Bob's Done

I'm calling the Bob's done. If all goes as planned, it gets re-launched in the waters of Keuka at the Assembly next week.

Now back to that Old Town "winter turned summer project".


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Very Pretty Fitz! As I said before, I do like that color. And the whole project looks very nice all varnished up and ready to go. I envy you as I cannot seem to find the time to get my project done. Working for a living and all that.

Have fun at the assembly. I look forward to the photos.

Hi Scot T:

The color isn't reproducing all that well in the photos. I think it is less of a Robin's egg blue in person and more of a gray. It is Kirby's "gray green".

Yah, I hear ya about working. I usually finagle a few early morning hours on weekends and eventually they float again. That canoe has been in the cue for almost two years. My wife is putting the pressure on and wishes I would take up house restoration instead:( .

